Insta-What? & Colourful Sprouts

Have you been on Instagram at all recently?

I accidentally click on the app on my phone then remembered just in time I was avoiding the digital version of a pesty tick also known as checking Instagram every dull moment during the course of my attempted tech-free holiday (writing The Signorina excluded of course. Ahem.)

The question is, what did we do before instant access to pouty, picture-perfect, beanie-clad, eye-lash wafting gorgeous humans bouncing out of our screen in all their filtered glory? Or indeed, bikini-clad lovelies posing against trees when all you wanted was a couple of yoga tips? Or of course the ever – present ‘avocados and nuts is all I’m having’ pics.

Where are the ‘slumped against the Christmas tree after too many [insert fave Christmas nibble here]’ pictures?

Or, indeed, the ‘bundled up in granny’s one hundred year old jumpers because I left my fluffy H&M one on the side of a gate when I was chasing sheep?’

Or… ‘Me with thirteen mince pies in my mouth and still smiling’?

OR…I could go on.

Don’t get me wrong, I am all for the ‘be the best eva yet that you can be eva’ mantra and delicious, eager healthy plates of colourful food is going to be all I’m about come January.

But for now, a little more of the cheeky, “you wouldn’t catch me doing this if it wasn’t Christmas/New Year” stuff, please.

In the mean time, a piccy of tangerines and their pals parsnips and sprouts (don’t see many sprouts on the web do you?) as I like the colours.

